À la dérive, ce métro me déposera où il voudra
Mes pas suivront les siens
Ou bien lui
encore lui
Qui est- il ?
Qui est- elle ?
Je dérive, l'étranger aussi. Cette page rend hommage aux disparus
Ceux-là qui me sont apparus le temps d'un regard.
Je ne vois plus, je regarde.
Ils sont mirage..
Andras :
- Me, you, this shit hole society. Crap, bullshit. Food, health, death. Let me sleep and get the fuck away.
Kazimir :
- Us. Elsa, why am I, why did I do that ? Pain, sorrow, blue. Loverboy you drown too quick you’re fading out of sight. Don't look in me, I'm ashamed.
Roberto :
The sea, can you hear the waves ? Too conscious to be sad, too drunk to think. Let me lose balance, landmarks, sink.
Martin :
Boubker's gone. He was my grandfather. I can't look at the sky no more. This concrete. Do you know that grey is the richest color ? The more I look down, the more I remember him. 450 kr the kebab, would you like one ?
As far as I can remember, Hiba hated when I put my legs on the table. The sun is too strong. I can feel the sea wind pass through my feet. Hiba hated when I put my legs on the table.